Success Notes - Sam Altman
From YC podcast
- Follow my interests. I’m comfortable exploring a lot of projects that seem interesting. I realize that most of them will fail or flutter and I don’t care. As long as the ones that work, really work.
- If you are in the position to take a year of between projects, do it.
- Learned about fields that I had been interested in. Nuclear engineering, synthetic biology, ai, investing.
- Traveled around a lot. Got a feel for what the rest of the world is like.
- Helped people because I had time.
- Left myself unscheduled so I could drop everything and go to a conference halfway around the world.
- Got really excited about ideas for companies that turned out to be bad ideas for different reasons.
- Almost all of them didn’t work.
- When you’re in explore more you try a lot of projects and you expect that most of them won’t work.
- How do you decide what to commit to and when?
- Requires brutal honesty about what is actually working vs what you’re trying to convince yourself is working.
- Its like in investing. It’s ok to be wrong about most things so long as the magnitude of what you’re right about covers all of them.
Getting shit done:
- Get the important shit done
- Don’t waste time on stupid shit
- Make lots of lists.
Lots of people spend lots of time of things that seem to be output but don’t actually move things forward.